Thursday, February 2, 2012

Protein Pancakes

I feel awesome!! I got home a while ago from the gym and the supermarket. I forced myself to get up at 6am this morning to go to a morning spinning class and try the new TRX system at my gym. Not gonna lie, I felt like crap driving to the gym in the -20 weather but it was so worth it. Not only did I get a really good workout in, but for once I actually have time to do something before I go to work. I'm thinking sauna + cleaning my room.

Nike Free Run,  the most comfortable running shoes ever!
On another note, I went to this food seminare at my gym last weekend and although it was pretty basic stuff everyone already knows about, it reminded me to pay more attention to a few things. The biggest things were about 1) getting enough protein in my diet and 2) eating within 30 minutes post-workout. Sure I already knew this, but I tend to forget the importance of it. The seminare made me realize I could have gotten so much more results if I would've payed more attention to it. Sometimes it can be around 3 hours before I eat after working out because I'm not hungry at all and I know that's very bad. I also know, that as a vegetarian it's not as easy to get enough protein in your diet, so you have to get creative. Ever since the seminare I've been trying to get at least a 100 g of protein daily, which is a challenge for me. I bought a big package of whey protein last year, but I'm pretty bad when it comes to using it. It tastes good and all, but I just feel like protein powders are filled with chemicals so I try to steer clear of them. However, I really want to get the maximum results from my workouts so I'm gonna eat it as much as I can. I found this great recipe for some Tone It Up Protein Pancakes from and I've been making them every day. It's made this whole thing so much easier. Here's the recipe:

  • 1 scoop of protein powder
  • 3 egg whites
  • 3 tbsp maitorahka / 0% greek yoghurt
  • 1 tbsp milk
  • 1 tbsp ground flaxseed (pellavansiemen)
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
It's that simple. The pancakes are delicious, not to mention super filling. 

Cinnamon & ground flaxseed
Milk and curd(??) 

Just mix everything together..

 One pancake has 250 kcal and 40g of protein.

Hope you have a great day!



  1. Suv suv! Osta sellasta protsku jauhoo ku lady jotain lol Sitä saa life myymälöistä ja siin ei oo mitään kemikaaleja! Se on naisille suuniteltuu palautus juoma -sim sima

  2. Heei kiitti vinkistä sim sim! I have to check it out, kun en viitti syödä tota niin paljoo..
