Saturday, March 17, 2012

Bucket List

Yesterday I was going through some old notebooks when I came across a list I made last year, my bucket list aka thing I want to do before I die. I remember watching this show on MTV last year called The Buried Life, which is the story of four guys who basically get one thing crossed off their bucket list in every episode and help others along the way. It's a great show and it inspired me to make a bucket list of my own. Some things on my list are really basic things (learn a new language) while others are a little more complicated to achieve (live in New York). Anyway, I was going through my list and noticed that I can actually cross a couple of thing off. Here are a few of them:

1. Ride an elephant

I got to fulfill this dream of mine in India last Christmas. It was every bit as awesome as I had imagined.

2. Learn how to surf

Okay, so maybe I'm not a pro yet, but surfing was definitely my kind of thing. I got to try it in California last summer.

3. Gamble in Vegas

Does putting one dollar in a slot machine count as gambling? Haha... Well anyway, I crossed that off my list because that's probably the only time I'm going to do it.

4. Learn to ride a motorcycle

 Last summer I decided to get a motorcycle license, which is something I wanted to do for a long time. I'm so happy I got the license because I can honestly say that driving a motorcycle is one of the most freeing feelings in the world.

Hopefully I'll get a few more thing crossed off my list this summer like moving abroad and going parachuting!
I recommend making a list. It's great way to keep track of your own dreams that you're accomplishing.


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